Sunday, July 10, 2011

If I could advise the Talking Heads...

I have, finally, come to realize with a FULL understanding that it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if a liberal or a conservative is in the White House. It doesn't matter who controls either House of Congress. It doesn't matter if we have a majority of Judges that are liberal or conservative. The government is not in control of ANYTHING. God is in control. If God chooses to bless the United States of America, NOTHING will stand in His way. If He chooses to curse the U.S., again, NOTHING will stand in His way. The concept is so simple and has been spelled out for us, IN SO MANY WORDS, that I'm ashamed to admit that I hadn't realized the Truth of it before. We do not need to spend our energies (IE: WASTE our energies) mobilizing people to get involved in the political process and vote the way we think they should vote. What we need to do is start being obedient to God on a personal level so that God will bless us... personally. Then, and only then, will the rest of the country take notice and realize that they don't need to suffer the curses of God, the God that they currently believe does not exist. They don't believe He exists because they do not see His power displayed as a light shining on a hill. We, as Christians, are to blame for the current state of the country. It really IS that SIMPLE. God's Word declares it and I believe it. My prayer is that Christians all over the world will come out of their religious comas and truly give God glory in everything they do.
- Opinion of Jeff Brandon based on a series of sermons preached by Pastor David Falls, Grace Community Church, Bryan, Ohio on the Sundays of June 5th and July 3rd and 10th in the year of our Lord AD2011.