Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Simple Matter

It seems to me that the turmoil over the legitimacy of Barack Hussein Obama's birth records would be a simple matter to resolve. Either there is proof that he was born in the U.S. or there is not. If there is proof, then submit it for the world to see. If Mr. Obama continues to refuse to prove his birth, then he should either resign the office or be legally removed. It really IS a simple matter. There is no need to disprove a legitimate birth, there is only a need to prove one. Until Barack Hussein Obama proves his birth, I have no president.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Limited Remote Options

My friend, Mark Ketterman ,was watching Obama yesterday and was wishing there was a button on the remote to turn up the intelligence. He tried the one marked "brightness" but it didnt work.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Coming 20% Inflation

Economics 101, evidently a course not taken by many in government today. They seem to not be aware of the FACT that printing excessive amounts of currency results in run-away inflation. I'm no economist, but I have been aware of this for many years. Do our leaders really not know, or do they not care? Well, Marc Faber knows. Watch this NewsMax.TV Money report.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A call to knees...

Is there anyone out there that is excited about the direction this country is going? It's really great that we can vote - even though we're not given anyone worth voting for by either party. What we really need to do is pray. This war that is being waged is Spiritual - not man-made. It will not be fought and won easily or without cost. What will it take for you to pray and fight? How long will you just accept your fate without resisting? PRAY! PRAY! PRAY!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


So, this is, supposedly, the beginning of "Becoming Dust and Ash". My concept here is that as I progress through this period of time and space on Earth, called my life, I am getting ever closer to becoming dust and/or ash. My goal is that at the point in time my body does deteriorate to one or both of these conditions, my eternal soul will be safely secured in Heaven. I believe that since I believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only son of God, my place in Heaven is secure. My task, then, as I proceed toward that goal, is to bear witness that Jesus Christ is Lord. I endeavor to serve and love as He does, yet not in my own strength, but Him working through me as I yield my will to His. Teach me, Lord, daily to become less of me and more of You.

I will attempt, perhaps seldomly, to bring some of my experiences, insights and opinions to these pages until such time as I become dust and ash...